An Sanctóir
West Cork’s very own Wellness Community Centre and home to a variety of weekly classes, weekend workshops, performances, rituals and celebrations. Our main hall is an octagonal shaped building, a beautiful light filled space set within 30 acres of a mature preserve. The nature reserve is open to the public for walks on its trails. Website Facebook
Ballydehob & Area Community Council
BACC was formed in 1993 to help promote the interests of Ballydehob and the surrounding area. It is affiliated to the National Organisation called “Muintir na Tire” which was founded in 1931 for self-help and self-reliance of communities in rural Ireland.
BACC committee members are voted onto the Council by fellow residents every five years. These representatives meet in Bank House every first Monday of the month (except August). A summary of works accomplished in 2019, including the organising of the annual St Patrick’s Day Parade, can be found in the Secretary’s Annual Report here: AGM Secretary Report
BACC funding comes from the Community Shop and the popular weekly LOTTO draw. Tickets for the lotto are available in all participating businesses for €2 each or can be bought online here. Results are posted weekly in Southern Star Ballydehob Notes and on Facebook.In 2014, the BACC purchased Bank House, left vacant when Allied Irish Bank withdrew its rural services on the Mizen Peninsula. Since then much work has gone toward improving the premises where the Council currently runs a visitor information centre during the tourist season. Community groups and festivals are welcome to use Bank House (subject to proof of insurance) for lectures and workshops year-round and it is home to the Ballydehob Arts Museum, a cherished collection of art commemorating Ballydehob’s unique place as the centre of an iconic arts and crafts movement between 1950 and 1990. Facebook
Ballydehob Community Alert
A community safety programme for rural areas with an emphasis on older and vulnerable people within the community. It operates as a partnership between the community, An Garda Síochána and Muintir na Tíre Facebook
Ballydehob Community Hall
Located on Store Road facing the impressive Twelve Arch Bridge, the Hall is the hub of many community events including concerts, weddings, theatrical performances and a variety of weekly sports and activities. The Hall offers a large events room, two smaller meeting spaces, and kitchen facilities. Registered Charity Number 20059057. Instagram Facebook 085 182 4276 and 028 37640
Ballydehob Tidy Towns
Encouraged by last year’s success, Ballydehob Tidy Towns is once again participating in the Cork Anti-Litter Challenge 2024. The competition raises awareness of litter pollution and motivates communities to reduce litter. It will run from May 13th until June 19th, with additional judging for the County Final from July 8th to 17th. The judges are incredibly sharp (last year we lost a place to Durrus because of 19 cigarette butts!) – so please support by keeping Ballydehob tidy and beautiful. Litter picking will continue during the entire Anti-Litter Challenge. Anyone who would like to help and enjoy the community vibe may join the team on Thursdays at 7pm near the tennis courts in Ballydehob. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Ballydehob Tidy Towns organizes regular beachcleans in the area. Find updates on Facebook
Irish Countrywomen’s Association- Ballydehob-Schull Guild
The ICA is the largest women’s association in Ireland, with more than 10,000 members and over 500 Guilds across the Country. The objects of the Association are to bring women together in fellowship and through co-operative effort, to develop and improve the standard of rural and urban life in Ireland having due regard for our Irish culture. Secretary Claudia Boeniger 086 8227653
Ballydehob Community Creche & Playgroup
All children from 3 months to 12 years are welcome. Open 5 days a week from 8am-6pm offering Breakfast Club, Crèche, Playschool and After school care in a bright, safe and fun atmosphere. Regulated by the HSE. Affordable rates subsidised by the government subvention scheme. Facebook
Scoil Bhríde National School is a co-educational primary school (Junior Infants to Sixth Class) under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of Cork and Ross. Website Facebook
St Matthias’ National School is a co-educational school under Church of Ireland management with approximately 36 pupils on roll between the ages of 4 and 12 years. Website